Join us sundays: 9:45am Bible Study, 11am Worship service & 6pm Pastor's bible study & Youth


July 1, 2020

"Six Seals are Opened"

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: A Study on the book of Revelation Topic: Bible Study Scripture: Revelation 6:1–17

June 17, 2020

"Heaven's Throne Room"

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: A Study on the book of Revelation Topic: Bible Study Scripture: Revelation 4:1–11

June 12, 2020

"The Letter to Laodicea"

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: A Study on the book of Revelation Topic: Bible Study Scripture: Revelation 3:14–22

May 29, 2020

"Letter to Thyatira"

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: A Study on the book of Revelation Topic: Bible Study Scripture: Revelation 2:18–29