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Life: Parental Guidance Advised

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Life: Parental Guidance Advised

July 11, 2021

A Good Wife

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 31:10–31

July 3, 2021

Inspired Words - Mother's Advice

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 31:1–9

June 13, 2021

Numerical Riddles

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 30:15–33

June 6, 2021

Inspired Words

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 30:1–14

May 23, 2021

Lady Wisdom vs. Madam Folly

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 9:1–18

May 2, 2021

Wisdom's Call

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 8:1–36

April 25, 2021

Adultery: A Case Study

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 7:1–27

April 18, 2021

#11 Beware of Adultery

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 6:20–35

April 11, 2021

#10 Financial and Social Wisdom

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 6:1–19

March 14, 2021

#8 Protect Your Body

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 4:20–27

March 7, 2021

Lesson #7 Choose Straight Paths

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 4:10–19

February 28, 2021

#6 Grandps's Advice

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 4:1–9

February 21, 2021

#5 Don't Lose Wisdom

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 3:21–35

February 14, 2021

#4 Don't Despise Discipline

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 3:11–20

February 7, 2021

#3 Don't Forget My Teaching

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 3:1–10

January 31, 2021

Lesson #2 The Benefits of Wisdom

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 2:1– 1:22

January 24, 2021

Wisdom's Call

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 1::20– 1:33

January 17, 2021

Lesson #1 Avoid Gangs and Greed

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 1:8–19

January 10, 2021

The Purpose of Proverbs

Pastor: Pastor Timothy Rempel Series: Life: Parental Guidance Advised Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: Proverbs 1:1–7